Thursday, March 4, 2010


I'm pretty late on this one, but there are so many great photos from this past weekend that I just have to do a post.

We went to my parent's house for the weekend and nearly all of the nine kids were home as well. We were just missing my brother Ezra who lives in Oklahoma with his family and my sister Gwen who lives in Utah with her family. We missed them (really!) but had a good time anyway, celebrating Jesse's 40th birthday, Mom's 66th birthday, Katie starting med school rotations, St. David's Day and a few other birthdays for assorted friends and neighbors.
There was a lot of general hanging out,
homemade doughnut eating,

guitar playing,
walking in the woods, tea partying (of the non-political variety),

bonfire enjoying

cake eating,
hockey watching,
chess playing

and loving each other and being reminded why are so grateful to be in this family.

My family is so awesome.


Gwennie said...

I agree...miss everyone terribly :(

Gwennie said...

I agree that our family is AWSOME .... :)

Katie Casas said...

That was an awesome weekend with an awesome family. I love the pictures you decided to put up. :)