We've been having a fun weekend here at Mom and Dad's (also known as Nain and Taid to the grandkids, Nain and Taid being the Welsh words for grandmother and grandfather) house. Nain was making homemade doughnuts when we arrived on Saturday morning, so after ingesting a large quantity of those, the kids (Kathryn, Vivian, Dexter and cousins Iris, Isaac and Xander) were all stuffed into their outdoor winter gear and sent outside.
They had tons of fun making snowforts and sliding down the piles of snow created by the snowplow plowing out the driveway. They were joined by a neighbor kid, Dasha, so the crew numbered seven. Cousin Kaylee was at the mall with her friends, because that's what this 12-year-old girl wanted to do on her birthday. Can't say I blame her.
After the kids got too cold and exhausted, the good times were moved inside. After a rejuvinating snack of orange slices and Aunt Sherry's warm homemade bread (such lucky kids!), they went to the back end of the house to create some more chaos out of Legos, crayons, wooden blocks and a tea set (among other toys). Like I say, lucky kids.
This is what the wet snow stuff looked like drying by the fire:
And here's where they ended up on Sunday evening, after another tiring afternoon of playing in the snow:
Kathryn and Viv love to watch their cousins play on their Nintendo DS.
1 comment:
reminds me of our childhood -homemade donuts, snow piles, and wet snow things drying by the fire. I especially love the picture of Kathryn at the top of the post.
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